Carolyn Carrera wrote me about an upcoming dance:
"We’re trying to revive those great memories (and raise money for our building maintenance fund) by having an ‘oldies’ dance! Anyone who is Japanese and over 40 either attended Maryknoll or knows someone who went there! While the school closed in 1994, the church (now 104 years old!) is still quite active as the St. Francis Xavier Chapel Japanese Catholic Center. The school was rededicated as the “Maryknoll Activity Center” with rental space for classes/meetings/etc. I am VP of our church Auxiliary Group who is sponsoring the dance. Forgive me, but I’m not used to blogging and I have no clue how to post anything, but I would be ever so grateful if you would post our flyer on your blog. We want to try to reach anyone who wants to relive those great dance memories! We will have a LIVE band---several members used to play with the familiar bands of the day (Free Flight, Chosen Few, Fire & Ice and Buddhaheads Ltd…"