Friday, December 4, 2009


It's Friday Night! Time to Blog!

Thanks, Gordon Hom, for your comments about your first job at Olson's. Never heard of the place.

I appreciate you Revealing Yourself, you are not anonymous, you are the brave one.

FYI Gordon's comment is buried in my blogspot: it is found on the blog "Photo and Other Images..."

The music was so important, wasn't it Gordon? To hear one of those songs, it takes you back to the crowds on the dance floor. Gordon, I think Summer Sun is the anthem of the Asian dances. Once the tune starts up, I think about the camaraderie in the mutual enjoyment of that song. I had not heard it in decades, and now anytime I want to hear it, I find it freely on YouTube.

I was at the hairdresser yesterday, asked my long time stylist about his memories of attending dances. He started using antiquated words like "gabardine pants" "tube tops" "see-through blouses."

The night before last I was on the phone with my sister-in-law. She hails from San Jose and she recalls Carry On playing up there. I would enjoy getting more details about the dance scene up in the Bay area.

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